OFFICE ADDRESS: National and Kapodistrian University of Athens,
Faculty of Geology & Geoenvironment,
Department of Mineralogy and Petrology,
University Campus-Zografou, 15784, Athens, Greece
Tel: (+30) 210-7274129
Web page:
Web of Science AAG-3439-2019
Profiles: Scopus; Google Scholar; ResearchGate
2019-present: Professor, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (NKUA)
2015-2019: Associate Professor, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2009-2015: Assistant Professor, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
2008-2010: Visiting Professor, Institute of Mineralogy-Petrology, University of Hamburg
2002-2009: Lecturer, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
1996-2002: Research Assistant in the Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens
1995-1998: Project Geologist in Hydrohellas Ltd, Athens
1993: PhD in Mineralogy-Economic Geology, University of Hamburg, Germany. "Mineralogical, geochemical and fluid inclusion studies on epithermal vein-type gold–silver mineralizations at Kassiteres/Sappes (NE-Greece)". PhD Thesis, University of Hamburg, pp 218 (in German)
• Exploration for magmatic-hydrothermal ore deposits.
• Mineralogy of precious-, rare-, and critical metals.
• Alteration mineralogy - geochemistry.
• Mineralogy, petrology and genesis of gemstones.
• Mineralogy and genesis of alpinotype fissure minerals.
• Mineralogy of supergene sulfide zones and gossans.
• Promotion of mineralogical-petrological and mining heritage in Greece
1. Mineralogy and genesis of precious-, rare-, and critical metal deposits in Greece
2. Gemstones in Greece: Mineralogy, chemistry and geological environment of formation
3. Mineralogy and geochemistry of advanced argillic lithocaps in Greece
4. Identification of new supergene minerals from Lavrion deposit
5. Mineralogical, petrological and mining heritage in Greece
6. Action for research and teaching mineral exploration inclusive school (ARTeMIS) (ERASMUS+)
7. Evolution of shoshonitic and calc-alkaline arc magmatism and related processes of metal enrichment in the Aegean from Oligocene to present
8. Thorikos Archaeological Research Project,
Refereed Papers
Abiven B, Tarantola A, Richard A, Keith M, Melfos V, Voudouris P. submitted. Effect of disequilibrium crystallization and dynamic recrystallization on Ti-in-quartz thermometry in porphyry-epithermal deposits: Insights from Pagoni Rachi (NE Greece). Lithos.
Zhao Q, Zhai D, Keith M, Voudouris P, Tombros S, Liu J. (2025). In situ trace element and sulfur isotope compositions of sulfides fingerprint hydrothermal Te-Bi-Au enrichment: Evidence from the Dashuigou deposit, SW China. Mineralium Deposita (accepted subject major revisions).
Sasmaz Α, Sukach V, Bondarenko S, Aleksiienko H, Kaseb HE, Sasmaz B, Kurylo S, Hrinchenko O, Somka V, Voudouris P (2025) Newly identified Au-Ag-Bi-Te mineralization in the Aydindere skarn Fe and Cu deposit, Giresun, NE Turkey: implications of gold mineralization during retrograde skarn evolution. Journal of Earth Science (accepted)
Soukis K, Kanellopoulos C, Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Lazos I, Sboras S, Tarantola A, Koehn D, Moritz R (2025) Investigating the Structure of Detachment Faulting and Its Role in Ore Formation: The Kallintiri Detachment System and the Associated Polymetallic Ore Deposit (Rhodope, NE Greece). Geosciences, 15(2):46.
Zhao G, Zhai D, Keith M, Voudouris P, Tombros S, Zang H, Liu J (2025) Sulfur and He-Ar isotopic constraints on the origin of alkalic-type epithermal Au-Ag-Te deposits: Insights from the Golden Sunlight deposit, Montana, USA. Ore Geology Reviews, 176, 106435,
Voudouris P, Melfos V, Melfou M, Tarantola A, Frenzel M, Spry PG, Soukis K, Scheffer C, Vanderhaeghe O, Reisberg L, Papadopoulou L, Stouraiti C, Mavrogonatos C (2025) Molybdenite Re-Os geochronology and conditions of formation of potassic and sodic-calcic alteration associated with the Plaka porphyry Mo-Cu system, Lavrion, Greece. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 107609,
Yakich TY, Voudouris P, Levochskaia DV, Mazurov AK, Shaldybin MV, Lopushnyak YM, Ruban AS, Dasi E, Maximov PN, Sinkina EA, et al. (2025) Sulfosalts and Sulfates in the Epithermal Au-Ag-Te Emmy Deposit (Khabarovsk Territory, Far East of Russia): Implications for the Mineralization Process. Geosciences. 15(1): 26.
Qiu Z, Wu J, Voudouris P, Tombros S, Liu J, Zhai D (2024) LA-ICP-MS Trace Element Characteristics and Geological Significance of Stibnite in the Zhaxikang Pb–Zn–Ag–Sb Deposit, Southern Tibet, SW China. Minerals, 14, 1294.
Wu X, Xie G, Xu J, Voudouris P, Liu W (2024) Distribution of Co, Te, Se in porphyry copper systems: A case study of the Tonglvshan deposit, Eastern China, Ore Geology Reviews, 174, 106304,
Höss A, Haase KM, Keith M, Klemd R, Melfos V, Gerlach L, Pelloth F, Falkenberg JJ, Voudouris P, Strauss H, Baker T, Tarantola A (2024) Magmatic and hydrothermal evolution of the Skouries Au-Cu porphyry deposit, northern Greece, Ore Geology Reviews, 173, 106233,
Soulamidis G, Stouraiti C, Voudouris P, Tsikos H (2024) New Ag-Rich Mn-Zn±Pb Vein Mineralization at the Mavro Xylo Manganese Oxide Deposit, Drama, Greece. Minerals 2024, 14, 955.
Kevrekidis E, Triantafyllidis SS, Tombros SF, Kokkalas S, Papavasiliou J, Kappis K, Papageorgiou K, Koukouvelas I, Fitros M, Zouzias D, Voudouris P, Zhai D, Seymour KSt (2024) Revisiting the Concealed Zn-Pb±(Ag,Ge) VMS-Style Ore Deposit, Molai, Southeastern Peloponnese, Greece. Minerals 2024, 14, 885.
Falkenberg JJ, Keith M, Melfos V, Hohl M, Haase KM, Voudouris P, Höss A, Wenske J, Klemd R, Beier C, Kutzschbach M, Strauss H (2024) Insights into fluid evolution and Re enrichment by mineral micro-analysis and fluid inclusion constraints: Evidence from the Maronia Cu-Mo ± Re ± Au porphyry system in NE Greece. Mineralium Deposita 59: 1407–1431.
Lazaridis G, Bessas D, Panou M, Maróti B, Crichton W, Melfos V, Papadopoulou L, Gkelis S, Merkel DG, Chumakov AI, Voudouris P (2024) Potential biosignatures in goethite deposits in Mavros Vrachos Quarry hypogene cave, CATENA, 242, 108113,
Biagioni C, Voudouris P, Moëlo Y, Sejkora J, Dolníček Z, Musetti S, Mauro D (2024) Crystal structure of Pb-bearing watanabeite from Pefka (Greece). Mineralogical Magazine. Published online 2024:1-26. doi:10.1180/mgm.2024.14
Kanellopoulos C, Sboras S, Voudouris P, Soukis K, Moritz R (2024) Antimony's significance as a Critical Metal: The global perspective and the Greek Deposits. Minerals, 14, 121,
Lazaridis G, Papadopoulou L, Melfos V, Voudouris P (2024). Description of manganese events in hydrothermal hypogene speleogenesis. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies (accepted)
Lazaridis G, Papadopoulou L, Melfos V, Voudouris P (2024). Investigating the formation of quartz speleothems within the karstic Theochari Cave (Greece). Journal of Cave and Karst Science (accepted)
Zaccarini F, Garuti G, Moser R, Mavrogonatos C, Voudouris P, Pimentel A, Nazzareni S (2024) Mineral chemistry of olivine, oxy-spinel, and clinopyroxene in lavas and xenoliths from the Canary, Azores and Cape Verde Islands (Macaronesia, North Atlantic Ocean): new data and comparison with literature. Minerals, 14, 161.
Drahota P, Chatziantoniou A, Mihaljevič M, Culka A, Melfou M, Melfos V, Voudouris P (2024) A mineralogical and geochemical assessment of the As-, Cu-, In-, Pb-, Sb-, and Zn-rich mine wastes at the Pefka epithermal deposit, Greece. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 256, 107336,
Drinia H, Voudouris P, Antonarakou A (2023) Geoheritage and Geotourism Resources: Education, Recreation, Sustainability II. Geosciences 2023, 13, 350.
Lazaridis G, Papadopoulou L, Melfos V, Voudouris P (2023). Iron oxide crusts in 2 hypogene caves in Greece. Journal of Cave and Karst Studies, 85(2), 51-61.
Moussaid A, Aissa M, Voudouris P, Mezougane H, Benbrahim M, Ilmen S, El Azmi M, Souiri M, Loudaoued I, Prokopyev I (2023) Stromeyerite, Mckinstryite and Jalpaite from the Tagmout Ag-Cu deposit, Eastern Saghro, Morocco: Mineralogical insights and possible origin. Journal of African Earth Sciences 206, 106018
Grosche A, Klemd R, Denkel K, Keith M, Haase KM, Voudouris PC, Alfieris D, Wiedenbeck M. (2023). Sources, transport and deposition of metal(loid)s recorded by sulfide and rock geochemistry: Constraints from a vertical profile through the epithermal Profites Ilias Au prospect, Milos Island, Greece. Mineralium Deposita 58, 1101-1122
Stergiou CL, Sakellaris G-A, Melfos V, Voudouris P, Papadopoulou L, Kantiranis N, Skoupras E. (2023) Mineralogy, Geochemistry and Fluid Inclusion Study of the Stibnite Vein-Type Mineralization at Rizana, Northern Greece. Geosciences, 13, 61.
Tombros S, Kokkalas S, Triantafyllidis S, Fitros M, Tsikos H, Papadopoulou L, Voudouris P, Zhai D, Skliros V, Perraki M, Kappis K, Spiliopoulou A, Simos X, Papavasiliou J, Williams-Jones A (2023) Genesis of a new type of mangan skarn associated with peraluminous granitoids in Greece, Chemical Geology, 623, 121369,
Kanellopoulos C, Lamprinou V, Politi A, Voudouris P, Iliopoulos I, Kokkaliari M, Moforis L, Economou-Amilli A (2022) Speleothems in hot spring environment and biomineralization processes at Aedipsos (Edipsos) area, Euboea (Evia) Island, Greece. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering (JMSE), 10, 1909,
Kanellopoulos C, Lamprinou V, Politi A, Voudouris P, Iliopoulos I, Kokkaliari M, Moforis L, Economou-Amilli A (2022) Microbial Mat Stratification in Travertine Depositions of Greek Hot Springs and Biomineralization Processes Minerals 12, no. 11: 1408.
Börner F, Keith M, Buecker JL, Voudouris P, Klemd R, Haase K M, Kutzschbach M, Schiperski F (2022). In-situ trace element and S isotope systematics in porphyry-epithermal pyrite, Limnos Island, Greece. Frontiers in Earth Science, 10, 916107.
Gläser L, Grosche A, Voudouris PC, Haase KM (2022) The high-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic volcanism of Limnos, Greece: implications for the geodynamic evolution of the northern Aegean. Contrib Mineral Petrol 177, 73,
Žorž M, Voudouris P, Rieck B (2022) Pyrite with lower cubic symmetry from Lavrion, Greece. Geologija, 65(1), 5–19,
Sun S, Klemd R, Voudouris P (2022) Early Pleistocene banded iron-rich sedimentary rocks at Cape Vani, Milos Island, Greece: A modern analogue of Precambrian banded iron formations?, Sedimentary Geology, 438, 106198,
Vlachopoulos N, Voudouris P (2022) Preservation of the Geoheritage and Mining Heritage of Serifos Island, Greece: Geotourism Perspectives in a Potential New Global Unesco Geopark. Geosciences, 12, 127,
Kanellopoulos C, Lamprinou V, Politi A, Voudouris P, Economou-Amilli A. (2022). Pioneer species of Cyanobacteria in hot springs and their role to travertine formation: The case of Aedipsos hot springs, Euboea (Evia), Greece. The Depositional Record, 00, 1– 14,
Kanellopoulos C, Lamprinou V, Politi A, Voudouris P, Economou-Amilli (2022). Insights on the biomineralisation processes and related diversity of cyanobacterial microflora in thermogenic travertine deposits in Greek hot springs (North-West Euboea Island). The Depositional Record, 00, 1– 24,
Peristeridou E, Melfos V, Papadopoulou L, Kantiranis N, Voudouris P (2022) Mineralogy and Mineral Chemistry of the REE-Rich Black Sands in Beaches of the Kavala District, Northern Greece. Geosciences. 12(7), 277,
Drinia H, Voudouris P, Antonarakou A (2022) Editorial of Special Issue—“Geoheritage and Geotourism Resources: Education, Recreation, Sustainability”. Geosciences, 12(6), 251,
Fabre C, Trebus K, Tarantola A, Cauzid J, Motto-Ros V, Voudouris P (2022) Advances on microLIBS and microXRF mineralogical and elemental quantitative imaging, Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy, 194, 106470,
Trebus K, Tarantola A, Fabre C, Caumon M-C, Cauzid J, Motto-Ros V, Lecomte A, Peiffert C, Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C (2022) Trace element distribution in zoned kyanite of Thassos Island (Greece) by combined spectroscopic analyses. Applied Spectroscopy,
Stergiou CL, Melfos V, Voudouris P, Papadopoulou L, Spry PG, Peytcheva I, Dimitrova D, Stefanova E (2022) A Fluid Inclusion and Critical/Rare Metal Study of epithermal Quartz-Stibnite Veins associated with the Gerakario Porphyry Deposit, northern Greece. Applied Sciences 12, 909,
Voudouris P, Repstock A, Spry PG, Frenzel M, Mavrogonatos C, Keith M, Tarantola A, Melfos V, Tombros S, Zhai D, Cook NJ, Ciobanu CL, Schaarschmidt A, Rieck B, Kolitsch U, Falkenberg J (2022) Physicochemical constraints on indium-, tin-, germanium-, gallium-, gold-, and tellurium-bearing mineralizations in the Pefka and St Philippos polymetallic vein- and breccia-type deposits, Greece. Ore Geology Reviews, 140, 104348,
Stouraiti C, Lozios S, Soukis K, Mavrogonatos C, Tsikos H, Voudouris P, Wang H, Zamparas C, Kollias K (2022) Manganese metallogenesis in the Hellenic arc: case studies from a Triassic rift-related volcaniclastic succession of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit, Greece. Ore Geology Reviews, 104694,
Frenzel M, Voudouris P, Cook NJ, Ciobanu CL, Gilbert S, Wade B (2022) Evolution of a large hydrothermal ore-forming system recorded by sulphide mineral chemistry: A case study from the Plaka Pb-Zn-Ag Deposit, Lavrion, Greece. Mineralium Deposita, 57, 417–438,
Gogou A, Mavrogonatos C, Anastasatou M, Voudouris P, Chryssoulis S, Stamatakis M (2022) Beneficiation process of kyanite-rich mineral assemblages from Thassos Island Aegean Sea, Greece. Mineral Processing and Extractive Metallurgy Review, 43(7), 899-909,
Koutsovitis P, Soukis K, Voudouris P, Lozios S, Ntaflos T, Stouraiti C, Koukouzas N (2022) The Late Cretaceous magmatic arc of the south Aegean: Geodynamic implications from petrological and geochemical studies of granitoids from Anafi island (Cyclades - Greece). International Geology Reviews, 64(6), 820-843,
Schaarschmidt A, Haase KM, Klemd R, Keith M, Voudouris PC, Alfieris D, Strauss H, Wiedenbeck M (2021). Boiling effects on trace element and sulfur isotope compositions of sulfides in shallow-marine hydrothermal systems: Evidence from Milos Island, Greece. Chemical Geology, 583, 120457,
Karantoni V, Karampelas S, Voudouris P, Melfos V, Papadopoulou L, Soldatos T, Mavrogonatos C (2021) Spectroscopy and microscopy of corundum from primary deposits found in Greece. Minerals, 11, 750,
Stergiou CL, Melfos V, Voudouris P, Papadopoulou L, Spry PG, Peytcheva I, Dimitrova D, Stefanova E, Giouri K. (2021). Rare and Critical Metals in Pyrite, Chalcopyrite, Magnetite, and Titanite from the Vathi Porphyry Cu-Au±Mo Deposit, Northern Greece. Minerals 11, 6, 630,
Schaarschmidt A, Haase KM, Voudouris PC, Melfos V, Klemd R (2021). Migration of arc magmatism above mantle wedge diapirs with variable sediment contribution in the Aegean. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 22, e2020GC009565,
Nestmeyer M, Keith M, Haase KM, Klemd R, Voudouris P, Schwarz-Schampera U, Strauss H, Kati M, Magganas A (2021) Trace element signatures in pyrite and marcasite from shallow marine island arc-related hydrothermal vents, Calypso Vents, New Zealand, and Paleochori Bay, Greece. Frontiers in Earth Science 9, 641654,
Tombros SF, Kokkalas S, Seymour KSt, Voudouris P, Williams-Jones AE, Zhai D, Liu J, Fitros MG (2021) The Kallianos Au-Ag-Te mineralization, Evia Island, Greece: A detachment-related distal hydrothermal deposit of the Attico-Cycladic Metallogenetic Massif. Mineralium Deposita, 56, 665–684,
Ross J, Voudouris P, Melfos V, Vaxevanopoulos M, Soukis K, Merigot K (2021) The Lavrion silver district: Reassessing its ancient mining history. Geoarchaeology, 36(4), 617-642,
Mavrogonatos C, Magganas A, Kati M, Bröcker M, Voudouris P. (2021) Ophicalcites from the Upper Tectonic Unit on Tinos, Greece: Mineralogical, geochemical and isotope evidence for their origin and evolution. International Journal of Earth Sciences (Geol Rundsch), 110, 809-832,
Voudouris P, Melfos M, Mavrogonatos C, Photiades A, Moraiti E, Rieck B, Kolitsch U, Tarantola A, Scheffer C, Morin D, Vanderhaeghe O, Spry PG, Ross J, Soukis K, Vaxevanopoulos M, Pekov IV, Chukanov NV, Magganas A, Kati M, Katerinopoulos A, Zaimis S (2021) The Lavrion mines: a unique site of geological and mineralogical heritage, Minerals, 11, 76,
Stergiou CL, Melfos V, Voudouris P, Spry PG, Papadopoulou L, Chatzipetros A, Giouri K, Mavrogonatos C, Filippidis A. (2021) The Geology, Geochemistry And Origin of the Porphyry Cu-Au-(Mo) System at Vathi, Serbo-Macedonian Massif, Greece. Appl. Sci., 11, 470,
Voudouris P, Kati M, Magganas A, Keith M, Valsami-Jones E, Haase K, Klemd R, Nestmeyer M (2021) Arsenian Pyrite and Cinnabar from Active Submarine Nearshore Vents, Paleochori Bay, Milos Island, Greece. Minerals, 11, 14,
Schaarschmidt A, Klemd R, Regelous M, Voudouris PC, Melfos V, Haase KM (2021) The formation of shoshonitic magma and its relationship to porphyry-type mineralisation: the Maronia pluton in NE Greece. Lithos 380–381, 105911,
Mavrogonatos C, Voudouris P, Zaccarini F, Klemme S, Berndt J, Tarantola A, Melfos V, Spry PG (2020) Multi-Stage Introduction of Precious and Critical Metals in Pyrite: A Case Study from the Konos Hill and Pagoni Rachi Porphyry/Epithermal Prospects, NE Greece. Minerals, 10, 784.
Frenzel M, Cook NJ, Ciobanu CL, Slattery AD, Wade BP, Gilbert S, Ehrig K, Burisch M, Verdugo-Ihl MR, Voudouris P (2020) Halogens in hydrothermal sphalerite record origin of ore-forming fluids. Geology, 48 (8), 766–770,
Melfos V, Stratouli G, Voudouris P (2020) Characterization of stone artifacts from the Middle and Late Neolithic to the Chalcolithic deposits of Drakaina Cave, Kephalonia, Ionian Islands: a mineralogical-geochemical approach for determination of local and “exotic” raw materials and their sources. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, 12, 65,
Melfos V, Voudouris P, Melfou M, Sánchez MG, Papadopoulou L, Filippidis A, Spry PG, Schaarschmidt A, Klemd R, Haase KM, Tarantola A, Mavrogonatos C. (2020) Mineralogical Constraints on the Potassic and Sodic-Calcic Hydrothermal Alteration and Vein-Type Mineralization of the Maronia Porphyry Cu-Mo ± Re ± Au Deposit in NE Greece. Minerals 2020, 10, 182,
Zhai D, Williams-Jones AE, Liu J, Selby D, Voudouris PC, Tombros S, Li K, Li P, Sun H (2020) The Genesis of the Giant Shuangjianzishan Epithermal Ag-Pb-Zn Deposit, Inner Mongolia, Northeastern China. Economic Geology, 115, 101–128,
Voudouris P, Karampelas S, Melfos V, Graham I (2019) Editorial for Special Issue “Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gems”. Minerals 2019, 9, 778,
Li H, He J, Liang J, Yang F, Zhai M, Zhang L, Voudouris P. (2019) Geochemical characteristics of Wuyang siliceous rocks from the southern margin of North China Craton and its constrain on the formation environment of BIF of Tieshanmiao Formation. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 93(6), 1738-1954,
Mavrogonatos C, Voudouris P, Berndt J, Klemme S, Zaccarini F, Spry PG, Melfos V, Tarantola Α, Keith M, Klemd R, Haase K (2019) Trace Elements in Magnetite from the Pagoni Rachi Porphyry Prospect, NE Greece: Implications for Ore Genesis and Exploration. Minerals, 9, 725,
Stouraiti C, Soukis K, Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Lozios S, Lekkas S, Beard A, Strauss H, Palles D, Baziotis I, Soulamidis G (2019) Silver-rich sulfide mineralization in the northwestern termination of the Western Cycladic Detachment System, at Agios Ioannis Kynigos, Hymittos Mt. (Attica, Greece): A mineralogical, geochemical and stable isotope study. Ore Geology Reviews, 111, 102992,
Scheffer C, Tarantola A, Vanderhaeghe O, Voudouris P, Spry PG, Rigaudier T, Photiades A (2019) The Lavrion Pb-Zn-Ag-rich Vein and Breccia Detachment-Related Deposits (Greece): Involvement of Evaporated Seawater and Meteoric Fluids during Post-Orogenic Exhumation. Economic Geology 114 (7), 1415-1442,
Zubkova NV, Chukanov NV, Pekov IV, Pushcharovsky DYu, Katerinopoulos A, Voudouris P , Magganas A (2019) New Data on Fiedlerite-1A from Ancient Slags of Lavrion, Greece: Crystal Structure and Hydrogen Bonding. Doklady Earth Sciences, 486(1), 517–520,
Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Melfos V, Spry PG, Magganas A, Alfieris D, Soukis K, Tarantola A, Periferakis A, Kołodziejczyk J, Scheffer C, Repstock A, Zeug M (2019) The geology and mineralogy of the Stypsi porphyry Cu-Mo-Au-Re prospect, Lesvos Island, Aegean Sea, Greece. Ore Geology Reviews, 112, 10323,
Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Graham I, Giuliani G, Tarantola A, Melfos V, Karampelas S, Katerinopoulos A, Magganas A (2019) Gemstones of Greece: Geology and Crystallizing Environments. Minerals 2019, 9, 461,
Li H, Liang J, Zhai M, Zhang L, Voudouris P, Yang Z, Zhou Y, He J, Spry PG (2019) The mineralogy, mineral chemistry, and origin of the Wuyang banded iron formations, North China Craton. Precambrian Research 328, 111-127,
Tarantola A, Voudouris P, Eglinger A, Scheffer C, Trebus K, Bitte M, Rondeau B, Mavrogonatos C, Graham I, Etienne M, Peiffert C. (2019) Metamorphic and Metasomatic Kyanite-Bearing Mineral Assemblages of Thassos Island (Rhodope, Greece). Minerals 2019, 9, 252,
Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Spry PG, Baker T, Melfos V, Klemd R, Haase K, Repstock A, Djiba A, Bismayer U, Tarantola A, Scheffer C, Moritz R, Kouzmanov K, Alfieris D, Papavassiliou K, Schaarschmidt A, Galanopoulos E, Galanos E, Kołodziejczyk J, Stergiou C, Melfou M. (2019) Porphyry and epithermal deposits in Greece: an overview, new discoveries, and mineralogical constraints on their genesis. Ore Geology Reviews 107, 654-691,
Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Graham I, Giuliani G, MelfosV, Karampelas S, Karantoni V, Wang K, Tarantola A, Zaw K, Meffre S, Klemme S, Berndt J, Heidrich S, Zaccarini F, Fallick A, Tsortanidis M, Lampridis A (2019) Gem Corundum Deposits of Greece: Geology, Mineralogy and Genesis. Minerals, 9, 49,
Zhai D, Bindi L, Voudouris PC, Liu J, Tombros SF, Li K (2019) Discovery of Se-rich canfieldite, Ag8Sn(S,Se)6, from the Shuangjianzishan Ag-Pb-Zn deposit, NE China: A multimethodic chemical and structural study Mineralogical Magazine, 83, 419-426,
Melfos V, Voudouris P, Serafimovski T, Tasev G. (2019) Fluid Inclusions at the Plavica Au-Ag-Cu Telescoped Porphyry–Epithermal System, Former Yugoslavian Republic of Macedonia (FYROM). Geosciences, 9, 88,
Wang, K.K.; Graham, I.T.; Martin, L.; Voudouris, P.; Giuliani, G.; Lay, A.; Harris, S.J.; Fallick, A. (2019) Fingerprinting Paranesti Rubies through Oxygen Isotopes. Minerals, 9, 91.
Dimitriadis P, Tzouka K, Koutsoyiannis D, Tyralis H, Kalamioti A, Lerias E, Voudouris P. (2019) Stochastic investigation of long-term persistence in two-dimensional images of rocks. Spatial Statistics 29, 177-191,
Galanopoulos E, Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Spry PG, Hart C, Melfos V, Zaccarini F, Alfieris D (2018) A New Porphyry Mo Mineralization at Aisymi-Leptokarya, Southeastern Rhodope, NE Greece: Geological and Mineralogical Constraints. Geosciences, 8(12), 435,
Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Rieck B, Kolitsch U, Spry P.G, Scheffer Ch, Tarantola A, Vanderhaeghe O, Galanos E, Melfos V, Zaimis S, Soukis K, Photiades A (2018) The Gersdorffite-Bismuthinite-Native Gold Association and the Skarn-Porphyry Mineralization in the Kamariza Mining District, Lavrion, Greece. Minerals, 8, 531,
Klemme S, Berndt J, Mavrogonatos C, Flemetakis S, Baziotis I, Voudouris P, Xydous S (2018) On the Color and Genesis of Prase (Green Quartz) and Amethyst from the Island of Serifos, Cyclades, Greece. Minerals 8 (11), 487,
Mavrogonatos C, Voudouris P, Spry P.G, Melfos V, Klemme S, Berndt J, Baker T, Moritz R, Bissig T, Monecke T, Zaccarini F (2018) Mineralogical Study of the Advanced Argillic Alteration Zone at the Konos Hill Mo–Cu–Re–Au Porphyry Prospect, NE Greece. Minerals, 8 (11), 479,
Chukanov NV, Pekov IV, Belakovskiy DI, Britvin SN, Stergiou V, Voudouris P, Magganas A (2018) Katerinopoulosite, (NH4)2Zn(SO4)2·6H2O, a new mineral from the Esperanza mine, Lavrion, Greece. European Journal of Mineralogy, 30(4), 821-826, 10.1127/ejm/2018/0030-2746
Siidra OI, Nekrasova DO, Chukanov NV, Pekov IV, Yapaskurt VO, Katerinopoulos A, Voudouris P, Magganas A, Zaitsev AN (2018) The hydrocerussite-related phase NaPb5(CO3)4(OH)3 from the ancient slags of Lavrion, Greece, Mineralogical Magazine 82(4), 809-819,
Kanellopoulos Ch., Valsami-Jones E., Voudouris P., Stouraiti Ch., Moritz R., Mavrogonatos C., Mitropoulos P. (2018) A new occurence of terrestrial native iron in the earth's surface: the Ilia's thermogenic travertine case, northwestern Euboea, Greece. Geosciences, 8, 287, 1-15,
Voudouris P., Melfos V., Mavrogonatos C., Tarantola A., Goetze J., Alfieris D., Maneta V., Psimis J. (2018). Amethyst occurences in Tertiary volcanic rocks of Greece: Mineralogical, fluid inclusion and oxygen isotope constraints on theis genesis. Minerals, 8, 324, 1-26,
Scheffer C, Tarantola A, Vanderhaeghe O, Voudouris P, Rigaudier T, Photiadis A, Morin D, Alloucherie A. (2017) The Lavrion Pb-Zn-Fe-Cu-Ag detachement-related district (Attica, Greece): Structural control on hydrothermal flow and element transfer-deposition. Tectonophysics, 717, 607-627.
Melfos V, Voudouris P (2017) Cenozoic metallogeny of Greece and potential for precious, critical and rare metals exploration. Ore Geology Reviews 59, 1030-1057,
Wang K.K., Graham I.T., Lay A., Harris S.J., Cohen D.R., Voudouris P., Belousova E., Giuliani G., Fallick A.E., Greig A. (2017) The origin of a new pargasite-schist hosted ruby deposit from Paranesti, Northern Greece. The Canadian Mineralogist, Gem Materials Thematic Issue, 55, 535-560.
Kołodziejczyk J., Pršek J., Voudouris P.Ch., Melfos V. (2017) Bi-sulphotellurides associated with Pb-Bi-(Sb±Ag,Cu,Fe) sulphosalts from the Stan Terg deposit in Kosovo. Geologica Carpathica 68/4, 363-381,
Kanellopoulos C., Mitropoulos P., Valsami-Jones E., Voudouris P. (2017) A new terrestrial active mineralizing hydrothermal system associated with ore-bearing travertines in Greece (northern Euboea Island and Sperchios area). Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 179, 9-24,
Koshlyakova N.N., Zubkova N.V., Pekov I.V., Giester G., Pushcharovsky D.Yu., Chukanov N.V., Voudouris P., Magganas A., Katerinopoulos A. (2017) Crystal chemistry of vanadate garnets from old metallurgical slags of Lavrion, Greece. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie Abhandlungen, 194, 19-25, 10.1127/njma/2016/0010
Papavasiliou K, Voudouris P, Kanellopoulos C, Glasby G, Alfieris D, Mitsis I (2017) New geochemical and mineralogical constraints on the genesis of the Vani hydrothermal manganese deposit at NW Milos island, Greece: Comparison with the Aspro Gialoudi deposit and implications for the formation of the Milos manganese mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews 80, 594-611,
Kołodziejczyk J, Pršek J, Voudouris P, Melfos V, Asllani B (2016) Sn-bearing minerals and associated sphalerite from Lead-Zinc deposits, Kosovo: an electron microprobe and LA-ICP-MS study. Minerals, 6(2), 42,
Koshlyakova, NK, Zubkova NV, Pekov IV, Giester G, Pushcharovsky DYu, Chukanov NV, Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Magganas A (2016) Crystal chemistry of a Ni-Mg-analogue of lyonsite from slags of Lavrion, Greece. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, 193/2, 113-120, 10.1127/njma/2016/0297
Melfos V., Voudouris P. (2016) Fluid evolution in Tertiary magmatic-hydrothermal ore systems at the Rhodope metallogenic province, NE Greece. A review. Geologia Croatica, 69(1), 157-167,
Repstock A, Voudouris P, Zeug M, Melfos V, Zhai M, Li H, Kartal T, Matuszczak J (2016) Chemical composition and varieties of fahlore-group minerals from Oligocene mineralization in the Rhodope area, southern Bulgaria and northern Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology, 110, 103-123,
Pekov IV, Chukanov NV, Varlamov DA, Belakovskiy DI, Turchkova AG, Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Magganas A (2016) Nickeltsumcorite, Pb(Ni,Fe3+)2(AsO4)2(H2O,OH)2, a new tsumcorite-group mineral from Lavrion, Greece. Mineralogical Magazine, 80/2, 337-346,
Kanellopoulos C., Lamprinou V., Mitropoulos P., Voudouris P. (2016) Thermogenic travertine deposits in Thermopylae hot springs (Greece) in association with cyanobacterial microflora. Carbonates and Evaporites, 31, 239-248,
Kołodziejczyk J., Pršek J., Melfos V., Voudouris P., Maliqi F., Kozub-Budzyń G. (2015) Bismuth minerals from the Stan Terg deposit (Trepça, Kosovo) – mineralogical contribution to the evolution of the deposit. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie, 192/3, 317-333, 10.1127/njma/2015/0288
Repstock A., Voudouris P., Kolitsch U. (2015): New occurrences of watanabeite, colusite, "arsenosulvanite" and Cu-excess tetrahedrite-tennantite at the Pefka high-sulfidation epithermal deposit , northeastern Greece. Neues Jahrbuch fur Mineralogie. 192/2, 135-149, 10.1127/njma/2015/0276
Zubkova NV, Chukanov NV, Pekov IV, Van KV, Pushcharovsky DYu, Katerinopoulos A, Voudouris P, Magganas A (2015) The crystal structure of the compound Pb6Cu(AsO3)2Cl7 discovered in the ancient slags of Lavrion, Greece. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie - Crystalline Materials. 230(3), 145-149,
Bristol S.K., Spry P.G., Voudouris P.Ch., Melfos V., Fornadel A.P., Sakellaris G.A. (2015) Geochemical and geochronological constraints on the formation of shear-zone hosted Cu–Au–Bi–Te mineralization in the Stanos area, Chalkidiki, northern Greece. Ore Geology Reviews 66, 266-282,
Grabezhev A., Voudouris P. (2014) Rhenium distribution in molybdenite from the Vosnesensk porphyry Cu ± (Mo-Au) deposit (southern Urals, Russia). The Canadian Mineralogist, 52, 671-686,
Li H., Zhai M., Zhang L., Gao L., Yang Z., Zhou Y., He J., Liang J., Voudouris P. (2014) Distribution, microfabric and geochemical characteristics of siliceous rocks in Central Orogenic Belt, China: implications for a hydrothermal sedimentation model. The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 780910, 25 pages,
Voudouris P (2014) Hydrothermal corundum, topaz, diaspore and alunite supergroup minerals in the advanced argillic alteration lithocap of the Kassiteres-Sapes porphyry-epithermal system, western Thrace, Greece. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, 191/2, 117-136, 10.1127/0077-7757/2014/0251
Spry PG, Mathur RD, Bonsall TA, Voudouris P, Melfos V (2014) Re-Os isotope evidence for mixed source components in the carbonate-replacement Pb-Zn-Ag deposits in the Lavriob deistrcit, Attica, Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology. 108, 503-513,
Pekov IV, Chukanov NV, Yapaskurt VO, Rusakov VS, Belakovskiy DI, Turchkova AG, Voudouris P, Magganas A, Katerinopoulos A (2013) Hilarionite, Fe3+2(SO4)(AsO4)(OH)•6H2O, a new supergene mineral from Lavrion, Greece. Geology of Ore Deposits, 56/7, 567-575,
Bindi L., Voudouris P., Spry PG (2013) Structural role of tellurium in the minerals of the pearceite-polybasite group. Mineralogical Magazine 77(3), 419-428,
Voudouris P, Melfos V, Spry PG, Kartal T, Schleicher H, Moritz R, Ortelli M (2013) The Pagoni Rachi/Kirki Cu-Mo-Re-Au-Ag-Te deposit, northern Greece: mineralogical and fluid inclusion constraints on the evolution of a telescoped porphyry-epithermal system. The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 411-442,
Voudouris P., Melfos V., Spry PG., Bindi L., Moritz R., Ortelli M., Kartal T. (2013) Extremely Re-rich molybdenite from porphyry Cu-Mo-Au prospects in northeastern Greece: mode of occurrence, causes of enrichment, and implications for gold exploration, Minerals, 3, 165-191,
Alfieris D, Voudouris P, Spry PG (2013) Shallow submarine epithermal Pb-Zn-Cu-Au-Ag-Te mineralization on western Milos Island, Aegean Volcanic Arc, Greece: Mineralogical, Geological and Geochemical constraints. Ore Geology Reviews, 53, 159-180,
Voudouris P, Spry PG, Mavrogonatos C., Sakellaris GA, Bristol SK, Melfos V, Fornadel A (2013) Bismuthinite derivatives, lillianite homologues, and bismuth sulfotellurides as indicators of gold mineralization at the Stanos shear-zone related deposit, Chalkidiki, northern Greece. The Canadian Mineralogist 51, 119-142,
Voudouris P., Melfos V. (2013) Aluminum-phosphate-sulfate (APS) minerals in the sericitic-advanced argillic alteration zone of the Melitena porphyry-epithermal Mo-Cu-±Au±Re prospect, western Thrace, Greece. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie. 190/1, 11-27, 10.1127/0077-7757/2012/0227
Melfos V., Voudouris P. (2012) Geological, mineralogical and geochemical aspects for critical and rare metals in Greece. Minerals 2, 300-317,
Siidra OI, Chukanov NV, Pekov IV, Krivovichev SV, Magganas A, Katerinopoulos A, Voudouris P (2012) Pb2(AsO2OH)Cl2, a new phase from the Lavrion ancient slags: occurrence and characterization. Mineralogical Magazine 76(3), 597-602,
Fornadel AP, Voudouris P, Spry PG, Melfos V (2012) Mineralogical, stable isotope and fluid inclusion studies of spatially related porphyry Cu-Mo and epithermal Au-Te mineralization, Fakos Peninsula, Limnos Island, Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology 105, 85-111,
Pekov IV, Chukanov NV, Zadov AE, Voudouris P, Magganas A, Katerinopoulos A (2011) Agardite-(Nd) NdCu6(AsO4)3(OH)6.3H2O from the Hilarion Mine, Lavrion, Greece: Mineral description and chemical relations with other members of the agardite-zálesiite solid-solution system. Journal of GEOsciences 57, 249-255,
Voudouris P, Melfos V, Spry PG, Moritz R, Papavassiliou K, Falalakis G (2011) Mineralogy and geochemical environment of formation of the Perama Hill high-sulfidation epithermal Au-Ag-Te-Se deposit, Petrota Graben, NE Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology 103, 79-100,
Bonsall TA, Spry PG, Voudouris P, Seymour KSt, Tombros S, Melfos V (2011) The Geochemistry of Carbonate-Replacement Pb-Zn-Ag Mineralization in the Lavrion District, Attica, Greece: Fluid Inclusion, Stable Isotope, and Rare Earth Element Studies. Economic Geology 106, 619-651,
Siidra OI, Krivovichev SV, Chukanov NV, Pekov IV, Magganas A, Katerinopoulos A, Voudouris P (2011) The crystal structure of Pb5(As3+O3)Cl7 from ancient slags of Lavrion, Greece – a novel Pb(II) chloride arsenite. Mineralogical Magazine 75(2), 337-345,
Fornadel AP, Spry PG, Melfos V, Vavelidis M, Voudouris P. (2011) Is the Palea Kavala Bi-Te-Pb-Sb±Au district, northeastern Greece, a reduced intrusion-related system? Ore Geology Reviews 39, 119-133,
Voudouris P, Spry PG, Sakellaris GA, Mavrogonatos C (2011) A cervelleite-like mineral and other Ag-Cu-Te-S minerals [Ag2CuTeS and (Ag,Cu)2TeS] in gold-bearing veins in metamorphic rocks of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit, Kallianou, Evia Island, Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology 101, 169-183,
Voudouris P. (2011) Conditions of formation of the Mavrokoryfi high-sulfidation epithermal Cu-Ag-Au-Te deposit (Petrota Graben, NE Greece). Mineralogy and Petrology 101, 97-113,
Melfos V, Helly B, Voudouris P (2011) The ancient Greek names “Magnesia” and “Magnetes” and their origin from the magnetite occurrences at the Mavrovouni mountain of Thessaly, central Greece. A mineralogical-geochemical approach. Archaeol Anthropol sciences 3/2, 165-172,
Voudouris P, Melfos V, Spry PG, Bindi L, Kartal T, Arikas K, Moritz R, Ortelli M (2009) Rhenium-rich molybdenite and rheniite (ReS2) in the Pagoni Rach-Kirki Mo-Cu-Te-Ag-Au deposit northern Greece: implications for the rhenium geochemistry of porphyry-style Cu-Mo and Mo mineralization. The Canadian Mineralogist 47, 1013-1036,
Cook NJ, Ciobanu CL, Spry PG, Voudouris P, and the participants of the IGCP-486 (2009) Understanding gold-(silver)-telluride-(selenide) mineral deposits. Episodes, 32, 249-263,
Katerinopoulou A, Katerinopoulos A, Voudouris P, Bieniok A, Amthauer G (2009) The structure of an unusual Ti-Zr-Cr andradite from the skarn of the Maronia pluton, Rhodope Massif, W. Thrace, Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology, 95, 113-124,
Voudouris P, Melfos V, Spry PG, Bonsall TA, Tarkian M, Solomos Ch (2008) Carbonate-replacement Pb-Zn-Ag±Au mineralization in the Kamariza area, Lavrion, Greece: Mineralogy and thermochemical conditions of formation. Mineralogy and Petrology, 94, 85-106,
Voudouris P, Melfos V, Spry PG, Bonsall T, Tarkian M, Economou-Eliopoulos M (2008) Mineralogy and fluid inclusion constraints on the evolution of the Plaka intrusion-related ore system, Lavrion, Greece. Mineralogy and Petrology 93, 79-110,
Voudouris P, Tarkian M, Arikas K (2006) Mineralogy of telluride-bearing epithermal ores in Kassiteres-Sappes area, western Thrace, Creece. Mineralogy and Petrology, 87, 31-52,
Voudouris P (2006) A comparative mineralogical study of Te-rich magmatic-hydrothermal systems in northeastern Greece, Mineralogy and Petrology 87, 241-275,
Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A (2004) New occurences of mineral megacrysts in Tertiary magmatic-hydrothermal and epithermal environments in Greece. Documenta Naturae 151, 1-21, ISBN 3-86544-151-3
Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Melfos V (2004) Alpine-type fissure minerals in Greece. Documenta Naturae 151, 23-45, ISBN 3-86544-151-3
Arikas K, Voudouris P (1998) Hydrothermal alterations and mineralizations of magmatic rocks in the southern Rhodope Massif. Acta Vulcanologica 10, 353-365.
Non-refereed Papers
Rieck B, Kolitsch U, Voudouris P, Giester G, Tzeferis P (2022) New determinations from the mining district Lavrion, Greece. Mineralien Welt 5, 6-20 (in German).
Žorž M, Voudouris P (2022) Five new twin laws: Tetrahedral pyrite-twins from Lavrion, Greece. Lapis, 47 (5): 30-42 (in German).
Rieck, B., Kolitsch, U., Voudouris, P., Giester, G., Tzeferis, P. (2020): Lavrion, Greece: More new finds from the famous mining district. Mineralien-Welt 3, 6-21 (in German).
Thewalt U, Voudouris P. (2019) Jaspis von Sykorachi (Thrakien, Griechenland) und seine Einschlüsse. Mineralien Welt, 5, 92–96.
Rieck B, Kolitsch U, Voudouris P, Giester G, Tzeferis P (2018) More new finds from Lavrion, Greece. Mineralien Welt 5, 32-77 (in German).
Ottens B, Voudouris P (2017) Minerals and gold ores: the mining district of Chalkidiki, Greece. Lapis, 42 (10): 32-58 (in German)
Voudouris P, Ottens B (2017) Thasos, Greece: Rock crystal and Mn-bearing minerals from Trikorfo Mt. Lapis, 42 (4): 10-23 (in German)
Ottens B, Tsinidis T, Voudouris P (2016) Amethyst and smoky quartz: scepter crystals from Kato Nevrokopi, Greece. Lapis 41(9): 10-21 (in German).
Tsolakos A, Voudouris P, Papanikitas A (2008) Crystal-bearing alpinotype fissures in Attica and Evia Island. Rock crystal, amethyst and smoky quartz from Greece. Lapis, 5: 36-39 (in German).
Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Christofalou F, Kassimi G (2007) Serifos island, Aegean Sea/Greece : a worldwide unique mineralogical and petrological geotope. ProGeo News, 1: 7-8.
Voudouris P, Tsolakos A, Papanikitas A, Solomos Ch (2004) New finds from Lavrion 2003. Lapis, 4: 13-15 (in German).
Refereed Book Chapters
Ross J, Voudouris P, Melfos V, Vaxevanopoulos M (2020) Mines, Metals and Money in Attica and the Ancient World: The Geological Context. In: Sheedy KA, Davis G (eds). Metallurgy in Numismatics 6 - Mines, Metals, and Money Ancient World Studies in Science, Archaeology and History. The Royal Numismatic Society Special Publication No 56, London, pp 9-21, ISBN 0–901405–37–X
SEG Guidebook Chapters
Voudouris PC, Siron CR, Márton I, Melfos V, Baker T, Spry PG (2016) Eocene to Miocene Hydrothermal Deposits of Northern Greece and Bulgaria: Relationships between Tectonic-Magmatic Activity, Alteration, and Gold Mineralization - A Preface. In: P. Voudouris, CR Siron, I Márton (Eds). Society of Economic Geologists, Guidebook Series, 54: 1-15.
Voudouris PC, Melfos V, Spry PG, Baker T (2016) Cenozoic Porphyry-Epithermal and Other Intrusion-Related Deposits in Northeastern Greece: Geological, Mineralogical and Geochemical Constraints. In: P. Voudouris, CR Siron, I Márton (Eds). Society of Economic Geologists, Guidebook Series, 54: 43-82.
Voudouris PC, Melfos V, Baker T, Spry PG (2016) Diverse Styles of Oligocene-Miocene Magmatic-Hydrothermal Deposits in Northeastern Greece: Relationships between Tectonic-, Magmatic Activity, Alteration and Au-Ag Mineralization. In: P. Voudouris, CR Siron, I Márton (Eds). Society of Economic Geologists, Guidebook Series, 54: 83-112.
Drinia H, Voudouris P, Antonarakou A (2024) Geoheritage and Geotourism Resources: Education, Recreation, Sustainability II. Geosciences MDPI, 296p, ISBN 978-3-7258-0256-2,
Drinia H, Voudouris P, Antonarakou A (2022) Geoheritage and Geotourism Resources: Education, Recreation, Sustainability. Geosciences MDPI, 346p, ISBN 978-3-0365-4850-0,
Melfos V, Voudouris P (2022) Ore deposits of Greece. Kallipos Publ., NTUA, 270p, ISBN: 978-618-5667-07-8, (in Greek),
Voudouris P, Karampelas S, Melfos V, Graham I (2020) Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Gems. Minerals MDPI, 528p, ISBN 978-3-03928-077-3,
Ottens B, Voudouris P (2018) Griechenland: Mineralien-Fundorte-Lagerstätten, Christian Weise Verlag, Munchen, Germany 480p, ISBN 978-3-921656-86-0.
Voudouris P, Maneta V (2017) Quartz in Greece. CreateSpace Publ.,, Inc. 154p, ISBN 9781484017029 (in Greek).
Voudouris PC, Siron CR, Márton I (2016) Eocene to Miocene Hydrothermal Deposits of Northern Greece and Bulgaria: Relationships between Tectonic-Magmatic Activity, Alteration, and Gold Mineralization. Society of Economic Geologists, Guidebook Series, 54, 127p, ISBN 978-1-629490-66-3.
Refereed Proceedings / Workshop Papers
Stergiou CL, Sakellaris GA, Melfos V, Voudouris P (2023) A Review of the Distribution of Critical and Strategic Mineral Raw Materials in the Vein-Type Mineralizations of Vertiskos Unit, Northern Greece. Materials Proceedings, 15, 51.
Soulamidis G, Jatteau M, Stouraiti C, Voudouris P, Mavrogonatos C, Soukis K, Fabre C, Caumon MC, Cauzid J, Tarantola A (2023) Application of Portable Spectroscopic Tools in the Exploration of Manganese Oxide Minerals: Preliminary Results from the Case Study of Drama Mn-Oxide Deposits, Northern Greece. Materials Proceedings, 15, 54.
Korosidis J, Voudouris P, Kouzmanov K (2022) Distal Fe skarn deposits of Serifos Island: New mineralogical and geochemical constrains on the retrograde assemblage and associated ore mineralization. 16th SGA Biennial Meeting, 28-31 March, Rotorua, New Zealand, 180-183.
Ross, J., Voudouris, P., Melfos, V., Vaxevanopoulos, M., Soukis, K., & Merigot, K. (2021) What did the ancient Greeks mine at Lavrion and when did they mine it? In H. Lohmann, F. Hulek, & S. Nomicos (Eds.), Laurion from Prehistoric to Modern Times, Proceedings of the Conference, November 1–3, 2019, Ruhr‐Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany. Beih. Der Anschnit
Vaxevanopoulos, M., Ross, J., Soukis, K., Voudouris, P. and Melfos, V. (2021) Lavrion shafts mapping: a more detailed investigation of the Lavrion stratigraphy. In H. Lohmann, F. Hulek, & S. Nomicos (Eds.), Laurion from Prehistoric to Modern Times, Proceedings of the Conference, November 1–3, 2019, Ruhr‐Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany. Beih. Der. Anschnit
Voudouris P, Baksheev IA, Mavrogonatos C, Spry PG, Djiba A, Bismayer U, Papagkikas K, Katsara A (2019) Tourmaline from the Fakos porphyry-epithermal Cu-Mo-Au-Te prospect, Limnos island, Greece: Mineral-chemistry and genetic implications 15th Intern. Congress Geol. Soc. Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece Sp. Pub. 7, Ext Abs. GSG2019-048.
Voudouris P, Spry PG, Melfos V, Haase K, Klemd R, Mavrogonatos C, Repstock A, Alfieris D (2018) Gold deposits in Greece: Hypogene ore mineralogy as a guide for exploration, In Proceedings of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science, Sciforum, 16–31 July 2018; MDPI AG: Basel, Switzerland, 2018; Volume 1,
Mavrogonatos, C.; Voudouris, P.; Spry, P.G.; Melfos, V.; Klemme, S.; Berndt, J.; Moritz, R.; Kanellopoulos, C. First zunyite-bearing lithocap in Greece: The case of Konos Hill Mo–Re–Cu–Au porphyry system. In Proceedings of the 1st International Electronic Conference on Mineral Science, Sciforum, 16–31 July 2018; MDPI AG: Basel, Switzerland, 2018; Volume 1,
Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Magganas A (2017) Mineralogical geotopes in Greece: Preservation and promotion of museum specimens of minerals and gemstones. Sofia Initiative "Mineral diversity preservation", IX International Symposium MINERAL DIVERSITY RESEARCH AND RESERVATION, 16-18 October 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, 149-159.
Voudouris P, Graham I, Mavrogonatos K, Su S, Papavasiliou K, Farmaki M-V, Panagiotidis P. (2016) Mn-andalusite, spessartine, Mn-grossular, piemontite and Mn-zoisite/clinozoisite from Trikorfo, Thassos Island, Greece. Bull Geol Soc Greece, 50: 2068-2078.
Papavasiliou K, Voudouris P, Kanellopoulos C, Alfieris D, Xydous S. (2016) The Kondaros-Katsimouti intermediate sulfidation epithermal Pb-Zn-Ag-Mn mineralization, western Milos Island, Greece: New mineralogical and geochemical data. Bull Geol Soc Greece, 50: 1959-1968.
Papavasiliou K, Voudouris P, Kanellopoulos C, Alfieris D, Xydous S. (2016) Mineralogy and geochemistry of the Triades-Galana Pb-Zn-Ag-Au intermediate-high sulfidation epithermal mineralization, Milos Island, Greece. Bull Geol Soc Greece, 50: 1969-1979.
Voudouris P, Xydous S, Alfieris D, Veligrakis Th, Papavasiliou K, Kanellopoulos C, Falalakis G. (2014). Silver-rich sulfide mineralization at Vani, western Milos island, Greece: new mineralogical evidence for epithermal ore deposition in a shallow submarine environment. Bul. Shk. Gjeol., Special Issue 1, Proceed. 20th CBGA Congress, Tirana/Albania, 187-190.
Voudouris P, Manoukian E, Veligrakis Th, Sakellaris G-A, Koutsovitis P, Falalakis G. (2014). Carbonate-replacement and vein-type Pb-Zn-Ag-Au mineralization at Syros Island, Cyclades: Mineralogical and geochemical constraints. Bul. Shk. Gjeol., Special Issue 1, Proceed. 20th CBGA Congress, Tirana/Albania, 183-186.
Kanellopoulos C, Voudouris P, Moritz R. (2014) Detachment-related Sb-As-Au-Ag-Te mineralization in Kallintiri area, northeastern Greece: Mineralogical and geochemical constraints. Bul. Shk. Gjeol., Special Issue 1, Proceed. 20th CBGA Congress, Tirana/Albania, 162-165.
Mavrogonatos C., Magganas A., Kati M., Voudouris P. (2014) Mineralogy and petrography of the NW Tinos island ophicalcites, Cyclades, Greece. Bul. Shk. Gjeol., Special Issue 2, Proceed. 20th CBGA Congress, Tirana/Albania, 212-215.
Voudouris P., Constantinidou S., Kati M., Mavrogonatos C., Kanellopoulos C., Volioti E. (2013) Genesis of alpinotype fissure minerals from Thasos Island, northern Greece. Mineralogy, mineral chemistry and crystallizing environment. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 47: 468-476.
Voudouris P., Psimis I., Mavrogonatos C., Kanellopoulos C., Kati M., Chlekou E. (2013). Amethyst occurrences in Tertiary volcanic rocks of Greece: mineralogical and genetic implications. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 47: 477-486.
Voudouris P., Xinou A., Kanellopoulos C., Kati M., Mavrogonatos C., Lyberopoulos P. (2013). A new occurence of pyrophanite from the amphibolite-hosted skarn in western Kimmeria, Xanthi, northern Greece. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 47: 487-496.
Moritz R., Márton I., Ortelli M., Marchev P., Voudouris P., Bonev N., Spikings R., Cosca M. (2010) A review of age constraints of epithermal precious and base metal deposits of the Tertiary Eastern Rhodopes: coincidence with Late Eocene-Early Oligocene tectonic plate reorganization along the Tethys. Proceed. 14th CBGA Congress, Thessaloniki/Greece, Special Volume 100: 351-358,
Voudouris P., Melfos V., Moritz R., Spry P.G., Ortelli M., Kartal T. (2010) Molybdenite occurrences in Greece: mineralogy, geochemistry and depositional environment. Proceed. 14th CBGA Congress, Thessaloniki/Greece, Special Volume 100: 369-378,
Melfos V., Chatzikirkou A., Michailidis K. and Voudouris P. (2010). Fluids related to remobilization of Mesozoic sulfide mineralization in the Eptadendro-Rachi region in eastern Rhodope, Thrace, Greece. Proceed. 14th CBGA Congress, Thessaloniki/Greece, Special Volume 100: 343-350.
Melfos V., Voudouris P., Papadopoulou L., Sdrolia S., Helly B. (2010). Mineralogical, petrographic and stable isotopic study of ancient white marble quarries in Thessaly, Greece - II. Chasanbali, Tempi, Atrax, Tisaion mountain. Bull Geol Soc Greece, XLIII/2, 845-855.
Maneta V, Voudouris P (2010) Quartz megacrysts in Greece: Mineralogy and environment of formation. Bull Geol Soc Greece XLIII, 685-696.
Voudouris P, Magganas A, Kati M, Gerogianni N, Kastanioti G, Sakellaris G (2010) Mineralogical constraints to the formation of vein-type zeolites from Kizari area, Thrace, northern Greece. Bull Geol Soc Greece XLIII, 2786-2797.
Voudouris P, Spry PG, Melfos V, Moritz R, Papavassiliou C, Falalakis G (2009). Mineralogical Constraints on the Formation of the Perama Hill High-Sulfidation Epithermal Au-Ag-Te Deposit, Northeastern Greece. In: Proceedings of the 10th biennial SGA meeting, Townsville, Australia, August 2009, Williams, P. et al (eds), 545-547.
Ortelli M, Moritz R, Voudouris P, Spangenberg J (2009). Tertiary porphyry and epithermal association of the Sapes-Kassiteres district, Eastern Rhodopes, Greece. In: Proceedings of the 10th biennial SGA meeting, Townsville, Australia, August 2009, Williams, P. et al (eds), 536-538.
Voudouris P, Melfos V, Spry PG, Bindi L, Kartal T, Arikas K, Moritz R, Ortelli M (2009) A new occurence of rheniite (ReS2) and telluride enrichment in the Pagoni Rachi-Kirki Porphyry-style Mo-Cu-Ag-Au Prospect, Northern Greece. In: Proceedings of the 10th biennial SGA meeting, Townsville, Australia, August 2009, Williams, P. et al (eds), 542-544.
Voudouris P, Sakellaris G (2008) The Stanos shear zone-hosted Cu-Au-Bi deposit, Chalkidiki/N. Greece: New mineralogical and textural data. Proceedings of the XIII International conference on thermobarogeochemistry and IV APIFIS symposium, Moscow, 1: 247-250.
Melfos V, Voudouris P, Vavelidis M, Spry PG (2008) Microthermometric results and formation conditions of a new intrusion-related Bi-Te-Pb-Sb±Au deposit in the Kavala pluton, Greece. Proceedings of the XIII International conference on thermobarogeochemistry and IV APIFIS symposium, Moscow, 2: 165-168
Bonsall TA, Spry PG, Voudouris P, Seymour KSt, Tombros S, Melfos V (2007) Fluid inclusion and stable isotope characteristics of carbonate replacement Pb-Zn-Ag deposits in the Lavrion district, Greece. In: Andrew et al. (eds) Mineral Exploration and Research: Digging Deeper: Irish Association for Economic Geology, Proceeding of the 9th Biennial SGA meeting, Dublin 2007, pp. 283-286
Alfieris D, Voudouris P (2007) High- and intermediate sulfidation Au-Ag-Te mineralization in a shallow submarine setting, Milos island, Greece: Mineralogy and geological environment of formation. In: Andrew et al. (eds) Mineral Exploration and Research: Digging Deeper. Irish Association for Economic Geology, Proceeding of the 9th Biennial SGA meeting, Dublin 2007, pp. 893-896
Voudouris P, Papavassiliou K, Alfieris D, Falalakis G (2007) Gold-silver tellurides and bismuth sulfosalts in the high-intermediate sulfidation Perama Hill deposit, western Thrace (NE Greece). Geol. Survey Finland Guide 53: 77-84.
Voudouris P, Spry PG, Melfos V, Alfieris D (2007) Tellurides and bismuth sulfosalts in gold occurrences of Greece: mineralogy and genetic considerations. Geol. Survey Finland Guide 53: 85-94.
Voudouris P, Velitzelos D, Velitzelos E, Thewald U (2007) Petrified wood occurences in western Thrace and Limnos island: mineralogy, geochemistry and depositional environment. Bull Geol Soc Greece, 40: 238-250.
Alfieris D, Voudouris P (2006) First occurrence of tellurides in the epithermal Profitis Ilias deposit, Milos island, Greece. Understanding the genesis of ore deposits to meet the demand of the 21st century, 12th Quadrennial IAGOD symposium, Moscow, 4pp, CD-ROM volume
Voudouris P, Melfos V, Katerinopoulos A (2006) Precious stones in Greece: Mineralogy and geological environment of formation. Understanding the genesis of ore deposits to meet the demand of the 21st century, 12th Quadrennial IAGOD symposium, Moscow, 6pp, CD-ROM volume
Voudouris P, Melfos V (2006) Bismuth sulfosalts and silver tellurides in the Pagoni Rachi porphyry-Cu-Mo prospect, western Thrace (NE Greece). In: N.G. Cook, I. Özgenc and T. Oyman (eds), IGCP 486 field workshop, Izmir 24-29 September 2006, Proceed. 159-166
Alfieris D, Voudouris P (2006) Tellurides and sulfosalts in the shallow submarine epithermal deposits of Milos island, Greece. In: N.G. Cook, I. Özgenc and T. Oyman (eds). IGCP 486 field workshop, Izmir 24-29 September 2006, Proceedings, 6-14
Voudouris P (2005) Minerals of Eastern Macedonia and Western Thrace: Geological framework and environment of formation. Bull Geol Soc Greece, 37: 62-77
Voudouris P (2005) Mineralogy of the high-sulfidation Cu-Sb-Te Mavrokoryfi prospect (western Thrace/Greece), In: Mao J, Bierlein FP (eds) Mineral deposit research: Meeting the global challenge. Springer Verlag, 1435-1438
Voudouris P, Alfieris D (2005) New porphyry-Cu±Mo occurrences in northeastern Aegean/Greece: Ore mineralogy and transition to epithermal environment. In: Mao J, Bierlein FP (eds) Mineral deposit research: Meeting the global challenge. Springer Verlag, 473-476,
Katerinopoulos A, Solomos Ch, Voudouris P (2005) Lavrion smithsonites: a mineralogical and mineral chemical study of their coloration. In: Mao J, Bierlein FP (eds) Mineral deposit research: Meeting the global challenge. Springer Verlag, 983-986,
Voudouris P (2005) Gold and silver mineralogy of the Lavrion deposit Attika/Greece, In: Mao J, Bierlein FP (eds) Mineral deposit research: Meeting the global challenge. Springer Verlag, 1089-1092.
Voudouris P, Papavassiliou K, Melfos V (2005) Silver mineralogy of St Philippos deposit (northeastern Greece) and its relationship to a Te-bearing porphyry-Cu-Mo mineralization. In: N. Cook and I. Bonev (eds), Au-Ag-Te-Se deposits, Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, 43, Sofia, 155-160
Alfieris D, Voudouris P (2005) Ore mineralogy of transitional submarine to subaerial magmatic-hydrothermal deposits in W. Milos, Greece. In: N. Cook and I. Bonev (eds), Au-Ag-Te-Se deposits, Geochemistry, Mineralogy and Petrology, 43, Sofia, 1-6
Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Kilias S, Melfos V, Detsi K, Vastardi A (2005) Mineralogical and microthermometrical studies of alpine fissures and quartz veins from South Evia island. 2nd Congress of Committee of the Economic Geology Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Greek Geological Society, Thessaloniki, October 2005, 29-38
Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Magganas A (2005) Skarn mineralogy of a shoshonitic plutonic complex (Maronia, NE Greece), 2nd Congress of Committee of the Economic Geology Mineralogy and Geochemistry of the Greek Geological Society, Thessaloniki, October 2005, 19-28
Voudouris P, Alfieris D, Fiori M, Grillo SM (2004) Te-rich magmatic-hydrothermal systems in northeastern Greece and Sardinia: a comparative study of ore mineralogy and sulfidation state. In: Khanchuk AI, Gonevchuk GA, Mitrokhin AN, Simanenko LF, Cook NJ, Seltmann R (eds). Tectonics, Magmatism and Metallogeny. Dalnauka publ. Vladivostock, pp 572-575
Solomos Ch, Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A (2004) Mineralogical study of a bismuth-gold-antimony mineralization in Kamariza/Lavrion. Bull Geol Soc Greece, 36: 387-396 (in Greek)
Kilias S, Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Kavouri S (2004) Fluid inclusion study of alpinotype fissure quartz crystals from Pentelikon Mt. Bull Geol Soc Greece, 36: 526-533 (in Greek)
Voudouris P, Arikas K, Katerinopoulos A (2004) Plumbian alunites in alteration zones of epithermal and porphyry mineralization in W. Thrace. Bull Geol Soc Greece, 36: 492-501 (in Greek)
Arikas K., Voudouris P., Kloos RM, Tesch Ch (2004) Petrology-Geochemistry and mineralization of volcanic rocks from the Petrota Graben/Maronia, W. Thrace. Bull Geol Soc Greece, 36: 482-491.
Voudouris P, Melfos V, Vavelidis M, Arikas K (2003) Genetic relation between the Tertiary porphyry Cu-Mo and the epithermal Au-Ag deposits in the Rhodope metallogenic province, Thrace region, Northern Greece. In: Eliopoulos et al. (eds) Mineral exploration and sustainable development. Millpress, Rotterdam pp 541-544
Voudouris P, Arikas K (2003) The Pagoni Rachi and Kassiteres porphyry Cu-(±Mo) occurrences in Thrace: Ore mineralogy of late-stage veins. In: Eliopoulos et al. (eds) Mineral exploration and sustainable development. Millpress, Rotterdam pp 411-414
Voudouris P, Kyriakopoulos K (2003) Magma degassing in a Tertiary vocanic edifice: Mineralogy, petrology and depositional environment of lithocaps related to a porphyry-Cu occurrence (Kassiteres/W. Thrace, Greece). In: Eliopoulos et al. (eds) Mineral exploration and sustainable development. Millpress, Rotterdam pp 415-418.
Voudouris P, Economou-Eliopoulos M (2003) Mineralogy and chemistry of Cu-rich ores from the Kamariza carbonate-hosted deposit (Lavrion), Greece. In: Eliopoulos et al. (eds) Mineral exploration and sustainable development. Millpress, Rotterdam pp 1039-1042
Voudouris P (2001) Mineral-chemical comparison of mafic minerals and conditions of formation of porphyry-stype mineralization at Kassiteres (Sapes) and Pagoni Rachi (Kirki)/ Thrace. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 34, 1005-1013.
Melfos V, Voudouris P, Arikas K, Vavelidis M (2001) Rhenium-rich molybdenites in Thracian porphyry Mo±Cu occurrences, NE - Greece. Bulletin of the Geological Society of Greece, 34(3), 1015-1022.
Skarpelis N, Voudouris P, Arikas K (1999) Exploration for epithermal gold in SW Thrace (Greece): New target areas. In: C.J. Stanley et al. (eds), Mineral deposits: Processes to Processing, Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 589-592
Voudouris P, Skarpelis N (1998) Epithermal gold-silver mineralization in Perama (Thrace) and Lemnos areas. Bull Geol Soc Greece. 32: 125-135
Voudouris P, Arikas K (1998) Advanced argillic alteration of magmatic rocks at Kassiteres (Thrace): Mineralogy and depositional environment. Bull Geol Soc Greece. 32: 69-78
Voudouris P (1997) Epithermal and porphyry type mineralizations in Kassiteres area, Thrace (Greece), In: Papunen H. (ed.), Mineral deposits: Research and Exploration -where do they meet? Balkema, Rotterdam, pp 683-686
Voudouris P, Arikas K (1994) Epithermal Au-Ag-Mineralization at Kassiteres/Sape, NE-Greece: Geological, Mineralogical and Mikrothermometric studies. Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, 30: 427-443 (in German)
Recent Refereed Abstracts
Vlachopoulos N, Voudouris P (2019) Geological and mining history of Serifos Island, Greece: current state and perspectives for protection of mineralogical and petrological geotopes 15th Int. Cong. Geol. Soc. Greece, Bull. Geol. Soc. Greece, Sp. Pub. 7 Ext. Abs. GSG2019-094
Vaxevanopoulos, M., Ross, J., Voudouris, P., Kapetanios, A., Melfos, V., Papadopoulou, Z. 2019. A comprehensive study of the ancient mine of Esperanza in Lavrion District, Attica, Greece. Abstract and presentation to archaeological conference in Athens, Oct 2019.
Voudouris P, Tarantola A, Pouliou M, Scheffer C, Vanderhaeghe O, Photiades A, Morin D (2019) Analysis of Ores from Mine 3 at Ari (Anavyssos/Attica): The Mineralogy of galena-sphalerite ores from mine Ari 3 at Charvalos area and comparison to other silver-rich ores from Lavrion district, Greece. Intern. Conf. “Ari and the Laurion from Prehistoric to Modern Times”, November 1st–3rd 2019, Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 9.
Verdugo A, Watanabe Y, Matschullat J, Echigo T, Arribas A, Voudouris P. (2019) Rare Cu-sulfosalt mineralization in selected porphyry-epithermal deposits: an As-Sb space. The 69th Annual Meeting of the Geological Society of Japan (University of Tokyo), June 2019
Tarantola A, Scheffer C, Vanderhaeghe O, Voudouris P, Rigaudier T, Photiades A (2017a) Geodynamics, ore deposits and fluid inclusions: Structural position and geochemistry of fluids associated with the Lavrion Pb-Zn-Fe-Ag district (Greece). TRIGGER 1, Tehran, Iran, 06-7.05.2017.
Tarantola A, Scheffer C, Voudouris P, Vanderhaeghe O, Rakotomanga S, Rigaudier T (2017b) Metamorphic and basin fluids trapped in Evia Island alpine quartz crystals during exhumation of the Attic-Cycladic Metamorphic Complex (Greece). ECROFI 24, Nancy, France, 23-29.06.2017, 232.
Scheffer C, Tarantola A, Vanderhaeghe O, Voudouris P, Rigaudier P, Photiades A (2017) Magmatic to meteoric fluid reservoirs during exhumation of the Cyclades: Implications for the deposition of the Pb-Zn-Fe-Cu-Ag district (Lavrion, Greece). ECROFI 24, Nancy, France, 23-29.06.2017, 136.
Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Magganas A (2017) Mineralogical geotopes in Greece: Preservation and promotion of museum specimens of minerals and gemstones. Sofia Initiative "Mineral diversity preservation", IX International Symposium MINERAL DIVERSITY RESEARCH AND RESERVATION. At: Earth and Man National Museum, 16-18 October 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, 46.
Katerinopoulos A, Magganas A, Voudouris P, Megremi I (2017) Teaching mineralogy in the museum of mineralogy and petrology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greece. Sofia Initiative "Mineral diversity preservation", IX International Symposium MINERAL DIVERSITY RESEARCH AND PRESERVATION. At: Earth and Man National Museum, 16-18 October 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, 12.
Papaspyridakou P, Katerinopoulos A, Voudouris P, Magganas A, Megremi I (2017) A geopath in a quest for aesthetic minerals at Lavrion mines. Sofia Initiative "Mineral diversity preservation", IX International Symposium MINERAL DIVERSITY RESEARCH AND PRESERVATION. At: Earth and Man National Museum, 16-18 October 2017, Sofia, Bulgaria, 47
Zeug M., Voudouris P., Repstock A., Schleicher H., Viladkar S. (2017): The contact aureole of the Tertiary monzogabbroic Maronia pluton, western Thrace, Greece: Insights into the high-temperature mineralogy of a melilite-bearing skarn. - Abstract volume, International Seminar on Carbonatite, December 2017, Amba Dongar (India): 25.
Periferakis A, Voudouris P, Melfos V, Mavrogonatos K, Alfieris D. (2017) The Stypsi-Megala Therma porphyry-epithermal mineralization, Lesvos Island, Greece: new mineralogical and geochemical data. EGU General Assembly 2017, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 19, EGU2017-12950, April 2017.
Djiba A, Voudouris P, Bismayer U (2017) New porphyry-epithermal mineralization related to alkaline magmatism at Lemnos Island, northern Aegean Sea, Greece: Mineralogy and genetic considerations. In: 2nd GOOD Meeting on the “Geology of Ore Deposits”, 7-11 March, Hannover, Germany, 17.
Stergiou C., Melfos, V., Voudouris, P. (2016) Rare metals and uranium enrichment at the Vathi porphyry Cu-Au±U±Mo mineralization, N. Greece. International Workshop "Recent advances in W-Sn and Rare Metal deposit metallogenesis", Universite de Lorraine, Nancy, France, 30/11-1/12/2016.
Zaimis S, Gutzmer J, Voudouris P, Melfos V (2016) Indium, germanium and gallium enrichments in the carbonate-replacement Pb-Zn-Ag ore deposit at Kamariza, Lavrion (SE Attica, Greece). Abstract Volume of the 1st Postgraduate conference on the "Geology Of Ore Deposits", Freiberg, Germany, March 15-18, 2016.
Koshlyakova N.N., Zubkova N.V., Pekov I.V., Giester G., Pushcharovsky D.Yu., Chukanov N.V., Voudouris P., Magganas A., Katerinopoulos A. (2016) Vanadate garnets from old metallurgical slags of Lavrion, Greece: solid solutions and crystal structure // Moscow International School of Earth Sciences – 2016. Moscow, GEOKHI RAS, 2016, 137-138.
Koshlyakova N.N., Zubkova N.V., Pekov I.V., Giester G., Pushcharovsky D.Yu., Chukanov N.V., Voudouris P., Magganas A., Katerinopoulos A. (2015) Crystal chemistry of the anthropogenic nickel-dominant analogue of lyonsite from metallurgical slag of Lavrion, Greece // VI All-Russian Workshop "Experimental Mineralogy, Petrology and Geochemistry", Chernogolovka, 48-50 (in Russian).
Turchkova AG , Pekov IV, Chukanov NV, Varlamov DA, Voudouris P, Katerinopoulos A, Magganas A (2015). Nickeloan and associated minerals from the oxidation zone of chalcogenide ores of Lavrion, Greece: Features of cation isomorphism involving Ni. Int. Conference "Ontogenesis, Phylogenesis and System of Mineralogy", Miass, 2015, pp. 187-188 (in Russian).
Repstock A, Voudouris P, Zeug M (2015) Chemical composition of fahlore-group minerals from the central and eastern Rhodope, southern Bulgaria and northern Greece. Abstract volume, Goldschmidt 2015, Prague, CZ, August 16-21 (2015), 2620.
Kolitsch U, Rieck B, Voudouris P. (2015): Mineralogy and genesis of the Lavrion ore deposit: new insights from the study of ore and accessory minerals. Poster, MinPet 2015, Leoben, Austria, September 10-13; abstract in Mitt. Österr. Mineral. Ges. 161, 66.
Kati M., Voudouris P., Magganas A., Valsami-Jones E., Baltatzis E., Kanellopoulos C., Mavrogonatos C. (2015) Cinnabar, arsenian pyrite and thallium-enrichment in active shallow submarine hydrothermal vents at Paleochori Bay, Milos Island, Greece. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 17, EGU2015-13046, EGU General Assembly 2015.
Zeug, M; Voudouris, P; Repstock, A; Schleicher, H (2014): Chemical composition of Ti-rich garnets as indicator for skarn zones from the contact aureole of Maronia pluton, western Thrace, Greece. Abstractband , DMG 2014, 92nd Annual Meeting of the Deutsche Mineralogische Gesellschaft, Jena, 21.-24. September 2014, p. 183-184.
Graham I., Voudouris P., Melfos V., Zaw K., Meffre S., Sutherland F., Giuliani G., Fallick A. (2012) Gem corundum deposits of Greece: a spectrum of compositions and origins. 34th IGC conference, Brisbane, Australia, August 2012.
Voudouris P., Graham I., Melfos V., Sutherland L., Zaw K. (2012) Gemstones in Greece: Mineralogy and crystallizing environment. 34th IGC conference, Brisbane, Australia, August 2012.
Maneta V., Voudouris P (2011) The varieties of quartz crystals in alpine-type fissures (Greece) GAC Conference, Ottawa, Canada, May 2011.
Fornadel, A.P., Spry, P.G., Voudouris, P. Ch., Melfos, V. (2011) Mineralogical, stable isotope, and fluid inclusion studies of spatially related porphyry Cu-Mo and epithermal Au-Te mineralization., Fakos Peninsula, Limnos Island, Greece. Geological Association of Canada/Mineralogical Association of Canada, Abstracts, v. 34, p. 66.
Ortelli, M., Moritz, R., Voudouris, P., Cosca, M., & Spangenberg, J. (2010). Tertiary porphyry and epithermal association of the Sapes-Kassiteres district, Eastern Rhodopes, Greece. In : The challenge of finding new mineral ressources, SEG Conference, Keystone, Colorado, U.S.A., October 2010.
Spry, P.G., Fornadel, A.P., Vavelidis, M., Melfos, V., Voudouris, P., 2010, The Palea Kavala Bi-Te-Pb-Sb±Au district, Greece: A reduced intrusion-related system. 13th Quadrennial International Association on the Geology of Ore Deposits Symposium 2010, Adelaide, Abstracts, p. 211-212.
Voudouris, P., Spry, P.G., Mavrogonatos, C.G., and Sakellaris, G.-A., 2010, Gold-bismuth-telluride-sulfide assemblages at the Stanos shear zone-related prospect, Chalkidiki, northern Greece. 13th Quadrennial International Association on the Geology of Ore Deposits Symposium 2010, Adelaide, Abstracts, p. 297-298.
Voudouris, P. Ch., Kartal, T., Spry, P.G., Melfos, V., and Schleicher, H. (2010) Late stage evolution of a porphyry Mo-Re system: Tellurides and sulfosalts in the Pagoni Rachi prospect, northern Greece. 13th Quadrennial International Association on the Geology of Ore Deposits Symposium 2010, Adelaide, Abstracts, p. 214-215.
Voudouris P., Graham I., Melfos V., Zaw K., Sutherland L., Giuliani G., Fallick A., Ionescu M. (2010) Gem corundum deposits of Greece: Diversity, chemistry and origins. 13th Quadrennial International Association on the Geology of Ore Deposits Symposium 2010, Adelaide, Abstracts, p. 429-430.
Voudouris, P., Melfos, V., Moritz, R., Spry, P.G., Ortelli, M., and Kartal. T. (2010) Molybdenite occurrences in Greece: mineralogy, geochemistry and deposition environment. XIX Congress of the Carpathian Balkan Geological Association, Abstracts, p. 410
Kati M., Magganas A., Melfos V., Voudouris P. (2010). Polygenetic history of the Chasanbali ophicalcite breccias in Thessaly, Greece. In: Geologica Balcanica, Abstracts Volume of the XIX Congress of the Carpathian-Balkan Geological Association, Thessaloniki, 23-26 September 2010. Eds: Chatzipetros et al., 180-181.
Fornadel, A.P., Spry, P.G., Vavelidis, M., Melfos, V., Voudouris, P. (2009) The Palea Kavala reduced intrusion-related Bi-Te-Pb-Sb±Au system, northeastern Greece: Mineralogical, fluid inclusion, and sulfur isotope studies. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 41, No. 7, p. 25.
Melfos V., Magganas A., Voudouris P. and Kati M. (2009). The Mesozoic Larissa ophicalcite-serpentinite association in Eastern Thessaly, Greece: Mineralogical, Geochemical and Isotopic Constraints for rocks formed in an Ocean-Continent Transition setting. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2009, vol. 11, EGU2009-10797-2, Vienna International Centre (20-25 April 2009).
Kati M., Magganas A., Melfos V. and Voudouris P. (2009). Sedimentology of the Larissa ophicalcite breccias: Mass flow deposits in a Tethyan Ocean-Continent Transition zone. Geophysical Research Abstracts, EGU General Assembly 2009, vol. 11, EGU2009-11002-1, Vienna International Centre (20-25 April 2009).
Voudouris, P., and Spry, P.G., 2008, A new occurrence of cervelleite-similar phases and Te-polybasite from gold-bearing veins in metamorphic rocks of the Cycladic Blueschist Unit, Greece. 33rd International Geological Congress, Oslo, Norway, Abstracts.
Bonsall, T.A., Spry, P.G., Voudouris, P., St. Seymour, K., Tombros, S., and Melfos, V., 2007, Geology, mineralogy, and geochemistry of carbonate-hosted replacement Pb-Zn-Ag deposits in the Lavrion district, Greece. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, No. 6, p. 623.
Voudouris, P., and Spry, P.G., 2007, The mineralogy and genesis of precious metal deposits of Greece. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, v. 39, No. 6. p. 625
Melfos V, Voudouris P (2006) Fluid inclusions and O-isotopes of an amethyst and smoky quartz occurrence in Kato Nevrokopi, Rhodope massif, Northern Greece. 11th Intern. Conference on Experimental Mineral. Petrol. Geochem. 11-13 September 2006 Bristol, UK, 50. Abstract (poster presentation).
Short Courses
"Ore Mineralogy - Ore deposit formation"
Course to undergraduate students in the Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology, University of Hamburg; 40 hour course (January-February, 2008-2010)
Invited Seminars
"Critical, rare and precious metals in magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization in Greece: Mineralogy and genetic considerations" TU Bergakademie Freiberg – SEG Student Chapter Freiberg (Marz 14, 2016)
“Gold deposits in Greece: Geology, Mineralogy and fluid characteristics” Faculté des Sciences - Université de Lorraine, Nancy (May 12, 2015)
“Gold deposits in Greece: Hypogene ore mineralogy as a guide for exploration”; 2nd Technical Meeting of the Western Tethyan Metallogeny Project (WTMP) of Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU, University of British Columbia), (August 19, 2014), Sofia, Bulgaria.
“Oligocene-Miocene porphyry Cu-Mo-Au-Re and epithermal Au-Ag-Te deposits in northern Greece: characteristics and genetic relationships”; 1st Technical Meeting of the Western Tethyan Metallogeny Project (WTMP) of Mineral Deposit Research Unit (MDRU, University of British Columbia), (August 22-24, 2013), Izmir, Turkey.
“Gemstones in Greece: Mineralogy and Genesis”; in the frame of seminars of the Greek Gemological Association (December 16, 2012) Museum of Mineralogy-Petrology, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens.
“Gold deposits of Greece” Sydney Mineral Exploration Discussion Group (SMEDG) and Geological Society of Australia – New South Wales Division (GSA-NSW Division). (April 15, 2010). Online at:
“Mineralogy of critical and precious metals in Greece” Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie – Bezirksgruppe Hamburg (September, 2010)
“Minerals and Gemstones of Greece” School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University New South Wales, BEES Seminar Series, Sydney (Australia), (April 15, 2010); Vereinigung der Freunde der Mineralogie und Geologie – Bezirksgruppe Hamburg (September, 2008-2009)
“Geology, mineralogy and metallurgy in ancient Lavrion”; VIII European Congress of the European Geological and Mineralogical Association e.V. (April 1998, Lavrio).
NKUA, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment
Undergraduate courses: Mineralogy-Crystallography; Systematic Mineralogy; Applied Mineralogy; Geoheritage
Postgraduate courses: Applied Mineralogy; Mineralogical-Petrological and mining heritage
University of Hamburg, Institute of Mineralogy and Petrology
Undergraduate courses: Ore Mineralogy - Ore deposit formation
Director of the Mineralogy and Petrology Museum, Department of Mineralogy and Petrology, Faculty of Geology and Geoenvironment, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (since 9/2020).
Served as referee for Mineralium Deposita, American Mineralogist, The Canadian Mineralogist, Ore Geology Reviews, Lithos, Central European Journal of Geosciences, Periodico di Mineralogia, Minerals, Journal of the Geological Society of London, Economic Geology, Mineralogy and Petrology, Turkish Journal of Earth Sciences, Journal of Geochemical Exploration, Sedimentary Geology, Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences, Chemical Geology, European Journal of Mineralogy, Journal of GEOsciences.
Re-organization of Mineralogical-Petrological collections of Natural History Museum of Crete University (1996-1997), Department of Mining Enginnering/Technical University of Athens (1997) and Mineralogy-Petrology Museum/National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (1996-2000).
Society of Economic Geologists (SEG) - Fellow Member since 2015